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Thursday, December 13, 2012

postheadericon One Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII Guitar Cover

One Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII Guitar Cover Tube. Duration : 4.42 Mins.

MP3: WAV: It's hard to argue against this is probably one of the most famous video game songs ever. I know many people who don't even play video games that have heard this song. I know in the past that I've expressed that I'm not the biggest fan of FFVII, but this song really is badass. Still, there's nothing douchier than having you're own name chanted in your own boss battle music. Good going Sephiroth. -.- Last week, I tried some new things with the lead tones with dual tracking and for some reason, no matter what I did, it just did not sound right in this song. I felt though that there were enough guitar tracks panned all over the place that it could work. Also, there is such a ridiculous orchestra track that it glitched in the export. The carrying over of that note during the first 'chorus' was unintentional, but compared to the other exported tracks, it was a million times more bearable. Other then that, mixing was just over the top heavy and balls out! Hope you guys enjoy it! I actually received a comment recently saying that I shouldn't cover this since the black mages already did... and to that I said: Challenge Accepted. Arranged and Performed by: FamilyJules7X Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Rhythm Guitars: Gibson Explorer Lead Guitars: Schecter Damien FR Bass Guitar: Ibanez Soundgear SR405QM Keyboard: Yamaha Portatone PSR-175 Drums: Toontrack EzDrummer Strings: Programmed with Miroslav Philharmonik Interface: Line 6 Pod X3Mixer: Yamaha MG102c Audio ...